Letters From New York

24 May 1966

Dear Mum,

It was real good to hear from you again. We are still quite happy here if all of you from home were over here it would be perfect. You will have to try to win the lottery & come stay with us, we have plenty of room.

You seem to pray a lot for people Mum & I'm sure your prayers are answered. I was wondering if you could add one more to your list as a very special favour to me. It is for Neil, he is being sent to Vietnam on Thursday (26th May). I feel pretty sad about it, I bet Mum & Dad are upset too.

Glad to hear your little bird is O.K. You will have to get Vince to talk to him too & see if you can have him talking before we come home. Joan Ramsdale is good to visit you every other Friday isn't she. I bet she enjoys your company. We had a letter from Auntie Tot last week, it was real nice of her to write. She sent a lovely medal for Jenny.

Jenny is real good again now, she is as cunning as a fox & very easy to spoil, still after the fight she has put up I think she deserves a little bit of spoiling. Michael is good company during the day although sometimes I feel like gagging him, boy he can talk. The other 3 are still good, they like their new school & seem to be pretty popular, they are a bit rare these Australians you know. Anthony & I have a fight nearly every day. He says in 2 years we are going home then we will come back, I say in 2 years we are going home & staying & this is one fight I know I'll win. It is just as well they feel this way though or we could be having a real picnic with them.

Hope we might have some photos to send you soon. The days here are very nice now. We have daylight saving & it is still quite light at 8.00pm. The neighbours tell me in a few more weeks the children will still be out playing at 9.00pm.

How are Margaret, Vic & the boys? Hope they are O.K. Tell Glenn we said some prayers for his exams, hope he went well. Tell Lindsay not to get married till we come home unless it is to Sue, ask him to write sometime.

Vince sure seems to enjoy his football doesn't he? Fancy being knocked around so much you would think he would give it away. If he likes it though I suppose it does not hurt him.

Well Mum I think all the news has run out for now. Keep well & look after yourself. We think of you often.

Lots of love,


Another reminder about the Sporting supplement in the Sun-Herald. Would like to keep up with the results on the local sporting scene if it is convenient (and not too expensive) for you to send them to me. Tell Margaret an airmail letter like this costs only 9c (Aust.) & should take her only 30 minutes or so to fill.


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