Letters From New York

5 September 1966

Dear Mum,

Monday afternoon and a public holiday (Labour Day) in our part of the world and, though we didn't receive the usual epistle from you on Friday or Saturday (no doubt its held up in the mail), probably have sufficient news to fill this form up. Though we didn't get a letter, we did receive the 28th August edition of the S.M.H. Sporting Supplement on Saturday (disappointed in you to see that you didn't, as suggested, slip the letter in with it) and still feel that you're being "touched" paying 30c and more each week to send that over.

Summer officially ends here this evening and, already, the countryside is being covered with falling leaves of all shapes and sizes, creating a mammoth job for the authorities. There's still plenty of green about, however, and no noticeable abatement in the heat (indeed, two nights during the week the humidity was shocking). Everyone around tells us that fall (last about 2 months) is something to behold and we're taking them at their word. The boys finished camp on Friday (each earning another merit certificate) and now look forward?? to school next week. We've been equipping them with all sorts of accoutrements (thank God they don't have to have uniforms) and I'm sure Joan, in many ways, will be glad to see their backs each day - if only to keep them out of the dirt for a while, and away from the pantry and frig.

Have just negotiated a pretty hectic week (about which I, no doubt, told you in my last letter) culminating on Friday with my doing a 4 hr coach tour of N.Y. City with our Aust. visitor and bringing him home to stay prior to his flying out from London on Saturday evening. Took Michael out to the airport & he was overjoyed with the planes; glorious coloured fountains; terminals & bright lights. The traffic there is enormous and it would leave Mascot for dead. The trip around N.Y. (incl. Harlem; Greenwich (the artists) Village; China Town; the Bowery; Broadway & most places of interest) was most enlightening & the best way to cover a lot in a short time. Our friends the Travis' came to the fore on Saturday and not only took us for 2-3 hours drive about the local points of interest on Sat. afternoon but also took us to the airport.

Yesterday, I spent the late afternoon on the golf course again, finishing in near darkness after a very trying 18 holes in wet, windy conditions. The Indian & American chaps I play with are real fanatics and I must confess that I'm not averse to what I'm finding to be most pleasant excursions. This is proving to be my most consistent physical exertion though this morning I was employed most of the time weeding & touching up the Bartels' garden plot for their anticipated return next Saturday (hasn't the time flown?) and preparing a plot myself. Have a Mexican living beside us and he's interested (it seems) in us building a co-op type garden in the one free area available to us. He's quite pleasant & enthusiastic so will probably be in it!!

Joan is feverishly getting dressmaking done & buying clothing for Winter which will soon be upon us (even Fall can be quite cool) and settling down a great deal better but waxes all nostalgic and sentimental when news comes from home. It seems that we're being missed "down under" and this is always a comforting thought. Jennifer (just over 6 months now) is becoming a real live wire now and takes all the managing in the world. She sits up, straight as a stick, for long spells; gives all the cheek in the world and walks all about the house in her mobile walker-trainer (a chair on wheels) mostly backwards. Michael is becoming quite a little man and, to Joan's pleasure, is eating far more of a variety of food and more often. In most things now he demands to meet the others on equal terms.

Life at the U.N. is proceeding without incident and the "pressure" of work is beginning to mount - ever so slowly. You've probably heard in the Press that U. Thant has decided not to run for a second term as Secretary General & there's much speculation as to who will be his successor. Don't think I'll take it on - when the job's offered to me. Have had loads of letters from Panania in the past week, the most pleasing bringing news that the School Football Club got two teams out of seven (one would have been Phillip's) into their Grand Finals. Hope they turned up trumps there too. How did Vince finally finish up? I gather from the newspapers that it looks like being another St. George year over there!!

Well, I've exhausted myself (and you too no doubt) so will close. Fond love & best wishes.

Your loving son,

Dear Mum,

What a lovely day it is today, beautiful sunshine & not hot nor cold. This is the weather you would enjoy. I often think of you & wish you could be with us for a while. However, the time is going rather quickly so far. It is hard to believe Jenny is 6 mths. old. I have to take her to the doctor tomorrow for her 3rd needle. It will be interesting to know how much she weighs now, she seems to have grown a lot over the past 6 weeks. The other children seem to enjoy Jenny now. I suppose it is because she can sit on the floor & play with them. Cathy is a real little mother to her. Had a letter from Auntie Nell on Saturday very nice of her to write. Must be off now, love,


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