Letters From New York

10 October 1966

Dear Mum,

Must be getting old! Seems to me that I'd gathered quite a number of interesting anecdotes over the past week and now have difficulty in recalling them and whether, in fact, those I remember I've passed on to you already. Nevertheless, here goes and trust I can maintain my good (?) record of interesting epistles. Am quite disappointed that my letters are taking so long to get to you but can only put it all down to unavoidable delays in the mail. Speaking of mail, our load hasn't got to be any lighter and a lot of our chickens are coming home to roost requiring replies.

Pleased to hear that you're keeping well and considerably relieved that you've weathered another winter and can now look forward to a summer which I hope will be not too severe. You seem to be having your share of storms lately and, as usual, they seem to leave a wake of ruin and disorder behind them. There's a pretty good one getting around the southern coastline of the U.S.A. at present but its beginning to peter out around Mexico. We've probably had more rain in the past fortnight than during the whole six months we've been here but, in the main, its been during the night and on workdays with the weekends clear. Last weekend turned up a real Indian summer with temperatures again up around the 80° mark.

Had a letter from Glenn towards the latter end of the week and am reminded that I owe Margaret a letter (will probably write late in the week). The account of the meal you gave her made our mouths water and we'd give both our right hands for a decent side of lamb and some good sized chops. Me, I wouldn't mind a normal sized sandwich or a nice meat pie - just to break the monotony of this so called "rich" living. All the news we receive of Panania suggests that the Rogers' have settled down quite well and are accepted by all the neighbours - indeed, we may have a job evicting them when we come home. Everyone here is still perfectly OK. The little one seems to have thrown off the cold and is as happy as Larry; Michael is throwing off his shyness and is becoming quite a little man. Anthony and Phillip are seeking more and more independence all the time and Catherine and Joan are still arguing the toss at every opportunity. Me, I'm in shockingly good health - almost dangerous (but don't tell Margaret that or she'll be knitting again) and have just negotiated a pretty good week.

On Tuesday last went to the remembrance ceremony (at the U.N. church) marking the Pope's visit last year. The mass was recited by a monsignor (there were bishops and etc. galore) & the ceremony presided over by Cardinal Spellman, who's now looking like a feeble old man. Highlight of the event was when I got to meet him and kiss the ring. On Wednesday, I moved into a new (my very own) office - a most desirable accomplishment and, to celebrate I won $9.00 in a baseball pool (my first gamble in the U.S.A.) which was being run in the office. Thursday I was to go out to look over one of the City Prison Detention areas with a U.N. associate but we had to defer the visit when the warden took ill. Will probably now do it some time next week. Friday came and LBJ (hear he's going to visit Australia on his Asian trip) made an unscheduled visit to see U Thant, with Dean Rush, at the U.N. The motorcade entered the building right under my window and, though I'm 21 floors up, had a pretty good view. To top it all off, I had to leave the building and, after waiting about an hour for him to come out, decided to take the punt and sneak out. Lo & behold as I came out of the lift (alone) on the ground floor, there was a burst of applause as he too was doing the same in the lift bank beside mine. You would have to have seen the numbers of policemen, FBI and security men all about the place guarding him; occupying rooftops & window vantage points and clearing the streets all about. It brought home to me the realisation that the Americans love a parade & all the pomp & circumstance of a first family more than the poms.

Saturday we continued on our shopping spree & bought a winter jacket for me (with my winnings) and halloween outfits for the kids. Slowly, but surely, we're getting the family equipped for the cold ahead. Auntie Bern is down in Melbourne at present and, its likely that she'll be dropping in to see Nell and Tot sometime this week. As usual, will leave the back sheet for Joan.

Love & best wishes,

Dear Mum,

Time is going rather quickly now, it is just on 6 months since we left home. We will be sending you a couple of photos of the youngsters soon. We had a new lot of slides this week & they are quite nice. We will be sending another box of slides out to Five Dock soon, Mum will get in touch with you so you can go over & have a look at them. The autumn leaves here at present are beautiful, in fact, the weather is very nice too, not hot, not cold. The new series of The Fugitive is on & he is still on the run, Peyton Place is going strong too.


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