Letters From New York

“Our Place”
Monday 9th January, 1967

Dear Mum & Vince,

A rather quiet week, this past one, for the DWYERS but, believe me, we could stand one after the hectic Xmas/New Year activities. Even so, I’m sitting down much later than is normal to pen this as I’m the babysitter for the evening, Joan having a night out (at Carnegie Hall once more) with Robyn Roberts. It was rather a quick decision to go – the tickets becoming available, free of course, at very short notice – but the outing should do her the world of good. The house is rather quiet (it being 9.45pm) with all the children abed – Phillip’s proved the lie to that statement to proffer his normal winge about some malady or other which won’t allow him to get to sleep – and has a background I’m running through a set of five Classical Stero records which were given us at Xmas of performances by notable Philharmonic Orchestras. Quite a fine mood – setting arrangements of some very familiar themes.

Your letter arrived one day late on Saturday; in fact Friday was a barren day for us, which is, somewhat exceptional. Strangely, despite the snow, conditions weren’t unbearably cold and we were well able to take 20 odd degree temperatures without too much inconvenience. As the sub-freezing temperatures persisted, however, the snow began to harden into ice and contact with it then soon left one’s hands quite cold. Over the past week or ten days we’ve had many days well into the thirties and forties such that the ice has melted and there are very few signs of our white Xmas left. Rain at the weekend (preceded by light snowfalls) really put the finishing touches to it all.

In retrospect, it was rather a different Xmas altogether but, just like home, very much commercialised. Of course the Jewish Community – and there are more Jews (something of the order of 2.25 million) in New York than in the whole of Israel, don’t recognise Xmas as a religious feast – theirs is some 10 days ahead of the 25th – and their greeting is Happy Holiday. They do have a gift exchanging and send our “holiday” (but in no way religious) cards but join in no festivities at all. We’re glad you had “full house” at 57 and pleased to note that the prodigal DWYERS were thought of. You must have been overjoyed to see Vince’s youngsters (as I suppose he was!) and delighted to hear that they’re keeping well. I suppose, too, you must have felt quite proud telling Mrs Ash and Mrs. Quinn of the “doings” of your family. We were thrilled to bits with the news of Lindsay’s achievement (very commendable & worthy of a note which I must send off) and, of course, of Glenn’s magnificent performance. I’m sure he’s relieved too and justifiably proud – indeed Margaret’s letter, which also came on Saturday, was quite interesting. Disappointed that I was unaware of the silver wedding anniversary – a milestone which should not have gone unheralded – but must claim ignorance of the fact as my only excuse.

We completed our first tape recording last night and shipped it off to Peter with a great box of photo slides this morning. He’s under instructions to get you out to 54 to hear it and see them and if you get enough notice or the chance, you’d best have Vince and Margaret go over for a listen and a “see” tool. The tape took some doing (for a first effort) and we’re reasonably pleased with it and we do hope it gives you all the pleasure it gave us in making it. The kiddies, naturally, found it difficult (Joan & I are by no means expert either) and it’s surprising how close one feels. The slides, we think, are marvellous – but then we’re biased, of course – and hope you like them. I can imagine that they’ll take quite a battering before we receive them back!

Been doing a little driving – bit by bit – since securing the license last Tuesday but the wet weekend really spoilt any chance of doing a long drive. The car’s performing wonderfully and I’m No. 1 with the kiddies, of course, now that I can drive them anywhere (?) at a moment’s notice. Ran a shuttle service to & from the Masses on Sunday and they thought I was marvellous (& so did I just quietly). Have been a little unfortunate with the tyres, experiencing my second “flat” tonight but, other than that she’s going beautifully. Didn’t read any comments about the “bus” – perhaps the photo I sent wasn’t too good – but would be interested to hear Vince’s views on my $500 buy! Suppose he’s surfing and golfing like mad these days. Tell him he’d better keep his eye in with the golf clubs as I’m in terrific form over here and will eat him by the time I get back.

I’m about exhausted of news so will sign off and leave the back for Joan with the ladies’ news and views (assuming she gets the chance on arriving home or before I leave in the morning). Lots of love and very best wishes to you, Your fond son,
Bill xxxxxxxx

Dear Mum,

I was cheated out of writing to you last week. Bill finished your letter at work. Have just had a very nice evening at Carnegie Hall again. Robyn and I saw the American Symphony Orchestra. It was very good, they played for two hours. Would you please tell Margaret we are sorry about her anniversary, we really did not know it was her 25th or we would certainly have sent her a card. See if Marg & Vic & Vince could be able to go out to Five Dock with you next time you go to see the slides and hear the tape. Mum & Dad would love to have them. Love and best wishes Joan XXXXX

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