Letters From New York
27 February 1967
Dear Mum,
Jenny’s birthday, and the belle-o-the-ball, her day complete, is firmly ensconced in her bedroom after all the festivities. They comprised a visit from a number of the ladies – Joan is becoming quite proficient at afternoon teas – and a gathering of children, quite impromptu, some 15 of them in all. Jenny was the life of proceedings and, of course, our lot enjoyed it immensely. If one measures our collective popularity in terms of the gifts showered upon us then we’ve really made out OK. She scored mightily today with little dresses and “unmentionables” as well as the usual spattering of toys etc.
Your letter arrived as expected on Friday and the birthday wishes were most acceptable. your presents haven’t arrived, as yet, but no doubt they’re delayed in the mails. You deserve a smacked bottom for putting something in for me – at 25 I’m much too old for presents – but Phillip is certainly looking forward to March 27th. The kids certainly seem to be perfectly convinced of the truth of the age I’ve thrown to them – not even Anthony has raised a query. Joan’s very surreptitiously arranged a surprise birthday party for me on Thursday night and in I landed, after my French class, at about 8.30PM to a housefull of Australians. It was the best kept secret of the year – even the kids managed to keep it – and we all had a whale of a time. We ejected the last visitor at 1.45AM on Friday (the Bartels and Travis’) and struggled into bed about 2.00AM – this after a 12.30AM night on Wednesday. Certainly a real social whirl here.
Certainly Joan’s condition isn’t a secret one can keep for very long (but surely Margaret won’t notice from way down there) and all our lady friends here are most concerned about her and already towers of strength. She told Pat Travis (you may get to meet her later in the year when she’s “down under” on home leave) and she was so shocked “she just had to go home to have a drink and a lie down”.. Jill is already getting us organised and I do think Joan is feeling rather better about it all. Seems to be contagious as the recent Australian arrivals are in the same boat – her fourth due in October. The girl is only twenty two (next month) and the husband is 24 and the other babies are now 3½, 2 and 7 months. Seems you can always find someone in a worse plight than yourself, eh!!!
Very concerned with your news of the city’s current reign of terror & vandalism – seems it will be getting as bad as the U.S.A. before long. Things have generally been pretty quiet here of late but with Summer coming up soon this will no doubt change. Speaking of Summer, we’ve organised (with the Bartels) what promises to be a very nice two weeks vacation in August at the famed Cape Cod, some 350 miles to the north of here, and we’re to meet up with them following their return from Canada (a trip which they’ll be making the week before). We’ve booked a cottage for the 13 (and a half?) of us at $200 for the two weeks and we’ll be in a situation not far from Hyannis Port (where the Kennedys hole up for the Summer) and at a time when the Americas Cup will be under way.
Had Joan out shopping again on Saturday morning and bought confirmation trousers (and a few odds and ends) for Anthony. Only shoes next and he’ll be OK for the 11th March. Joan has to take Jenny to the specialist on Saturday next, preceded by a visit to the hospital on Wednesday for X-ray. We’re hoping the weather may be a little better for the “outings” and it’s suddenly turned quite cold with biting winds. We has a “free” day yesterday but, even with the car it was too unpleasant to go out. A simple visit over to see Greg on Saturday night (to talk about the holiday) wound up in us both sitting up till 2.30AM Sunday to see out a movie in which we became absorbed.
Wednesday was George Washington’s birthday anniversary and a public holiday but all the big stores were open to have a big sale on. I took Joan out on quite an excursion and we had a very good time. Joan had Michael down to the School on Friday for his pre-kindergarten “interview”. It seems he didn’t come over too well – with his normal shy manner – and the principal expressed some doubt that, even by September, at 4 and 9 months he may be too young (relative to the other youngsters) to maintain a place in the class. Even so, we’re hopeful that he’ll make it though, if we could be assured he’d get the place in January, we wouldn’t mind holding back. We’ve finally got Joan’s washing machine hitched up and in full service and its already proved itself to be quite a boon. Getting busier and more involved at work all the time and enjoying it immensely. Tomorrow, we have our collection for the Australian UNers contribution to a Tasmanian Fire Relief Fund. Will leave the back (as usual) to Joan.
Love from,
Dear Mum,
It has been really freezing here the past week or so. Saturday was one of the worst days I have experienced all Winter. There was a rather gusty wind blowing & what snow was on the ground had turned to ice. Thank heaven we had the car to go out in. All the children are very well. Michael has a slight cold, the little monkey went to be[d] last night with only his singlet and pants on, no pyjama coat. Anyway it is nothing more than a head cold.
Best love Mum. God bless from,