Letters From New York
27th March 1967
Dear Mum,
Thought I’d write to let you know that your second(?) favourite grandson (how do you keep track of them all!!) has just officially turned 9 – at 9.00PM. He’s been sweating on the thought all day and really feels quite important. Somehow I feel it wasn’t the usual Dwyer birthday – he, however, hasn’t complained at all – but his big day really comes tomorrow when Joan’s giving another party for a few of his friends. We’ve had a surplus Xmas present stored away and handed it over this morning but there were very few others this time since nothing has yet arrived from Australia except a $2.00 note from Kerry & Joyce. Most parcels, it seems, left late, so he will have a delayed hatch of “offerings”. So much for all that, however, he thinks he’s doing OK.
Your letter arrived as usual, quite on time, and we’re flattered by your reference to Anthony as your favourite grandson. Don’t know that we’re in trouble with the house, just merely that we’re so far away to be able to put ideas into effect re the tenants; rate of rent, period and the like. Feel sure the matter’s in very good hands with Kerry at the helm and it appears that my initial suggestion as to the tariff was rather high relative to current and Panania district values. He came up with a prospect late last week with what now seems to have been a pretty good offer but, in my ignorance, insisted that he try to squeeze out a little more. Hope we haven’t let the “bite” off the hook, as my solicitor assures me that the best offer could be expected to be rather below what is the bid Kerry received. However, there may be other chances(?) if this falls through.
Joan is improving all the time though still prone to tiring very easily. She informs me, too, she had a dizzy spell, in rather stifling conditions on Sunday but assures me things are settling down. Nearly three months gone and she hasn’t been examined by a doctor. She has, however, settled on a hospital and has the date set (April 9) to see the gynaecologist. All the indications are that we’ll get out of the costs quite well, relatively, but they only give the mother and child very few days in hospital (at something like $50.00 per day one wouldn’t want to spend too much time there!) and I shall probably have to take some time off to act as nursemaid – can you imagine!! I believe the prospect of their useless (domestically) father looking after the brood has Joan more worried than the event itself.
Interested to hear the news of Vince’s first experiences in New Guinea and hope he acts on that resolve to get a letter off to us. Bravo that he sent some cash out to you – those debts must be like millstones about both your necks, and hope that he’s gradually whittling them away. Good to know that Margaret & Vic are looking in on you often. She hasn’t answered my last letter yet – hope she’s not seriously chagrined at not being informed of developments here. When I wrote her, of course, there were still some prospects that the “thing” could be a false alarm! I do owe Glenn a letter – must get one off (may kill two birds and get it off as a birthday “hello”) which reminds me that I still haven’t satisfied myself on something for Lindsay. Just about this time of year we’re inundated with birthdays, Mothers Days, etc., etc. – but rest assured I won’t let the event pass.
Found Easter to be rather disappointingly different here as there was no long weekend. Actually worked on Good Friday and today (had three hours off on Friday to attend the services) and the weekend was ruined. Spring came in officially last Tuesday 21st but heavy snow fell (about 7”) overnight and all day Wednesday (a most unusual occurrence) and temperatures fell through till Friday. Saturday dawned a beautiful day & Sunday was magnificent, both days having recordings in the upper 50’s. We were all set to go into the Easter Parade & Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (so very much like St Mary’s) but Jenny was ill with a virus (brought on, we think, by teething) and so everyone had to stay home. Oh well, we haven’t missed out too often and any arrangement where a baby is involved has to be taken on speck.
You will have noted that we’ve enclosed the school term reports on the kids which again show up excellently, and draw attention particularly to the comments on Anthony’s re his arithmetical progress. The devilish thought crossed my mind that, having been using his fingers for so long (& being stumped after ten) he’s suddenly realised that he has two feet, accommodating ten toes which are also good for counting. Jokes aside, we’re naturally delighted with their progress. (Gosh the pen’s getting awful)! Also, have enclosed a couple of Confirmation snaps. After showing them about you might like to post them on to Joan’s mother at 54 Garfield Street, Fivedock. They’ll give you some idea of the colour.
The warmer weather saw the digging out of the children’s bicycles and they’ve been having the whale of a time over the weekend. Even Michael will be joining the club as we had an old bike given to us and, after some minor repairs, it’s just the ants pants. Getting off that cheap was only temporary relief, however, as Anthony had a spill on his today & did about $10.00 worth of damage. Everyone (particularly the women) have had winter and are looking forward to the long, hot summer drawing on. You’d be in your element here at the moment as we’re going through a Crosby/Fitzgerald movie era, the shows being quite delightful.
Not a great deal more to report (it’s been a reasonably quiet week) so will hand over to the girlfriend. Life’s going along pretty well – soon will have been here 12 months – and still have our heads above water. Miss you a great deal and rest assured your name comes up often in discussion. Hope you are keeping as well as your letters suggest and don’t succumb to the landlords.
Loads of love and best wishes,
Dear Mum,
Before I forget again the blouse we sent you for Christmas buttons down the back, so pleased you like it. As for Bill’s remarks about “useless Father” I don't think he is “useless” by any means, but how many men could look after 5 children & wash, cook etc. for them all. Wouldn’t you worry too. I think a bigger worry is “Where will we put the new baby”. I suppose things will straighten out with time, we’ll see. Did you go to the Easter Show this year? I have about 9 little “darlings” for lunch tomorrow for Phillip’s birthday. Hope this will be the last party this year. Must be off Mum look after yourself.
God Bless. Love,