Letters From New York
Monday 19th April 1967
Dear Mum,
Well into our second year in the U.S.A. now and seems quite strange to be able to say that “this time last year we were...”.. Your letter came on Friday and, as always very good to hear form and of you. Have settled down a little earlier to write this evening – may try to struggle into bed earlier – and even now the house is pretty quiet. With the exception of Jenny who’s out like a light, all the kiddies are upstairs with their own T.V. and quiet as church mice. Actually, the T.V. has been playing up (the on/off and volume control was faulty) but I had it fixed today and its the first time for some weeks that they’ve been able to view without inconvenience caused by having to constantly adjust the set.
Sorry to hear the kitty is bare – we were hoping you’d finance yourself to a trip over!! – and wish I could overcome my crises (before another looms up) to give you a helping hand. There’ll be so many Dwyers by the time we get back that we’ll have to do something about “adopting” you and taking you on as a full time nanny at our place. How’s that for a thought?? Had a few lines (and I do mean a few lines!) from Vince during the week and at least it’s a start. As he becomes more active and gets into the swing of things up there. I’m alarmed at his stand with her ladyship – I cannot for the life of me permit myself one kind thought of her, and certainly cannot see any redeeming feature that could attract any man to condone, forgive and forget her part in the situation. Pleased that he’s maintaining his responses to his obligations and can just imagine that she’s got the screws in (and twisting) as far as they’ll go. Was she ever anything but a liability to him?
Will be writing to Lindsay and Glenn this week (their birthdays being not far off) and I’m out of phase with their progress in 1967. I imagine that Bro. Stephen had no trouble in winning the C’wealth Scholarship on the strength of his 1966 results. Hope Lindsay is also keeping up the good work with the end of his road well in view. We’ll be thinking of you all when the party is due to be held and, if you concentrate hard enough, you’ll find us there in spirit. Have had the devils own job getting Lindsay anything like a 21st Birthday card – they just don’t make so much of a fuss of it here. We’re having our own little spell of wet weather here now after experiencing a dull, threatening weekend. It rained most of today and shows little sign of easing.
Have been very successful in my efforts to obtain copies of the Australian newspapers (only a few days after issue) and have convinced the Library that it should be subscribed to an air mail basis. Quite up to date, then, with the news now and note that the no meat on Friday rule is to be relaxed in early May. The Church is in something of a ferment here with open cooperation between the different religions; amazing (to us) freedom of the nuns; modern versions of the Mass and priests and teachers in open criticism of the bishops and the Pope. Indeed, a couple of priests lately have forsaken all to take a wife!!
Must be getting old – did you notice the series of errors I made (upon turning over!) filling in your address! Seems I’ve hit the jackpot with little Jennifer who’s proving to be a wringer for Phillip as she seems to think the sun, moon and stars shine out of me. I get welcomed with open arms on arrival each night and she has a cheery “Hi Dad” for me first thing each morning. We had another Australian family (of four) arrive here last week – from Canberra, though the wife’s a Sydney girl – and, after he’d walked into my office on Friday to announce himself, we took them under our wing, having them out to lunch on Saturday and affording them the opportunity of looking over some accommodation in the Village. They’ve made no decision yet but, like us (even though they have only two boys) their need for something better than the hotel in Manhattan is quite real. Because of their coming our day on Saturday was rather taken up. Yesterday, however, I managed to get started (as did Greg with his) on my garden plot and planted three roses. Did throw down some assorted seeds the weekend before last and my Argentinian neighbour seems quite willing to and enthusiastic about lending some support. Spent an interesting couple of hours over at Greg & Jill’s after dinner to meet a couple of Aust. doctor friends of theirs (working in Buffalo) and, ourselves, have a big Aust. get-together scheduled for the 29th (when we’ll have 10 guests for dinner). Joan and the kiddies are fine and it goes without saying that father’s pretty well.
Lots of love and kisses,
Dear Mum,
Have had a sewing day today and worked all day on Cathy’s communion frock. It should look nice when it is finished. She is very excited about it all. Our other daughter is wonderful. She can feed herself now and speaks quite well for her age. She even says “Nanna”.. The boys are fit as fiddles. I am feeling well again & still keeping the weight down. Seems the Australians are invading U.N. with another family arriving last week and yet another one (family) due to arrive soon. The weather isn’t too bad although very wet today. It is not so cold though. Tell Margaret I hope Lindsay’s party goes off well.
Lots of love,