Letters From New York
31st July 1967
Dear Mum,
The last day of July and our long-awaited holiday to Cape Cod is now but a few days away. We pull out next Saturday morning (as early as the kids will allow) and even this early in the week there’s much organisation getting under way. Joan’s been busy all day washing and I’ve spent much of the past week equipping us all with fishing gear and various other accoutrements and we both seem to have most of our requirements covered now. We’ve had to equip all of us with clothing (of course) and its shaping up to quite an expensive excursion but it will be our first one for some time and I believe it to be well worth it. The kids, primed by our launching of the Bartels’ last Saturday, are becoming quite excited and all were taken with some magnificent fishing rods I bought them.
You did pretty well with your letter and as often as I read your tales of the inconveniences you’re put to to maintain that dwelling down in Newtown the more I feel you should take Margaret up on her offer to permit yourself to become a permanent boarder. Besides, it would ease my burden in writing – I must drop a line to she and Lindsay later in the week. Been right up to date with all the Aussie news, and becoming an avid reader of the Voyager Royal Commission proceedings. See that Labor won the Corio seat down south – something of a turnup eh – and, worst of all, that the Dragons were slain by South Sydney over the weekend. Seems the whole situation down there is topsy turvy but no moreso than over here with their riot-torn cities (fortunately somewhat quieter over the past week) and recurring strikes in all sorts of industries & callings. Really, it seems not difficult to predict the fall of the Great Society in what might eventuate as a white v/s black war.
Joan appreciates that you’ve remembered her birthday and we look forward to the card, but don’t go to any expense and trouble over a gift. That old T.V. must have been a real disappointment to you – not to mention the expense and inconvenience, but there are (unfortunately) always bad ones bobbing up. Will take up the problem – diplomatically – with Vince if I write though my heart won’t be in it so far as the recipient is concerned. Just like her b_____ hide to ‘phone Margaret and hope she finished up with more than she bargained for. Do you think she knows where Vince is at all?? Haven’t seen (That I can recall) anything of a Caroline Chisolm in the press – but then we don’t see many N.Y. newspapers and, outside of a story on the new $5 bill there hasn’t been too much in the “Australian” which is really the only Aussie paper we see.
Not an overly active or exciting week though my bad luck with the car continued on Wednesday when, in driving the group to work, a van dashed out from behind me at an intersection & caught me on the drivers side to rip some of the chrome work off the back. Too little damage to be worried about courts, claims etc. etc. but a most aggravating experience. Have managed to patch things up pretty well myself.
Have been working on plans for our journey home and am somewhat undecided between an April 22nd sailing (for which we have a definite booking) and another – both on the Mariposa – on 6th June which would allow us to have the kids virtually complete the school year here. We’ve no definite booking yet on the latter and, of course, the U.N. will have to approve the plan before it becomes reality but the prospect of three weeks aboard such a marvellous vessel is a wonderful thought. The idea involves us having to get over to San Francisco or Los Angeles and, opportunity and funds permitting, we think we might take the Canadian Pacific Railroad (a four day journey) across Canada to Vancouver and fly down from there. Very grandiose plans, but one has first to dream.
We had plans for an organised visit with an American family on Sunday thwarted when the hostess & one of her children took ill on Saturday – we agreed it best not to expose our brood to the virus! but will get another chance in late August when the same group has invited a lot of U.N. families out fro a combined sports & hospitality day taking in golf, tennis, sailing, swimming, a dinner, dancing and singing.
Still pretty warm here despite that we’re, so far, having a pretty wet summer. Rain almost every night over the past week though the days are beautiful. The humidity rating is falling to make conditions a little more liveable but it far from “perfect” yet. Needless to say the kids are revelling in it.
Love & best wishes,
Dear Mum,
My visit to the hospital last week was very good again. I put on 2lbs. in the month and everything is in order. Only 7 weeks to go now & believe me it can’t come quickly enough. The children will be back at school about two weeks when I’m due to go in, so they should be settled into school O.K. Jenny has cut 5 teeth in 3 weeks. Poor little thing was pretty cranky for a while. I can see a few more teeth on the way too. Hope Marg is still keeping well & that she won’t go back to work too soon. Will try to send everyone a card from Cape Cod.
God bless, look after yourself. Lots of love,