Letters From New York

18th September 1967

Dear Mum,

Much excitement at the Dwyers’ today as your parcel arrived – somewhat the worse for wear, but nevertheless intact. No doubt Joan will record the family’s note of thanks on the back of this and I should offer my own note of appreciation. The Rugby League News copies arrived on Saturday too and [text cut out] very interesting. The kids [text cut out] quite thrilled by their [text cut out] you might also pass on [text cut out] appreciation on to Margaret [text cut out] started out very late in the [text cut out] this reply to your letter [text cut out] arrived on Friday so [text cut out] excuse it if the [text cut out] writing [text cut out] go awry. No exciting [text cut out] report yet – D Day [text cut out] to be next Sunday [text cut out] Joan is very [text cut out] tiring easily. She’s due for another checkup on Thursday – if she makes it – and rest assured I’ll get the news off to you A.S.A.P. We’ve got the girls organised as boarders – Jenny will be [text cut out] own to Bartels’ (Greg & [text cut out] to return from Newport [text cut out] and Catherine [text cut out] delight – will be going [text cut out] for the few days. The [text cut out] crow – me (they’re [text cut out] that nobody [text cut out] but imagine we’ll [text cut out].

[text cut out] from Vince during [text cut out], like Glenn’s recent epistle, it’s full of little else but football (and how they nearly win the wars – seems like the Dwyers are marvellous at being second best). I’m quite surprised Glenn hasn’t followed up his recent letter with another particularly in view of Canterbury’s defeat the weekend before last of St. George. Perhaps he waited in the hope that he could gloat over a Grand Final victory. Didn’t have the wages on St. George at all but did do a couple of $’s cold on Dame Pattie. As you will know by the time you receive this she was beaten today, quite easily, for the 4th straight time and that only made the debacle official. There’s no doubt from all the reports that America’s “Intrepid” was far superior on all counts.

Seems we have Jenny cutting more teeth as she gave Joan a hectic time last night and today – vomiting and generally listless but there were some signs of improvement by the time she went to bed. Michael (bless him) has exceeded our fondest hopes as far as school is concerned. The youngest in the class (of 12) he is but he’s taken to it like a veteran. His teacher is amazed at the change 6 months has made in him and she says he’s really asserting himself. Coached by the older ones he says he “hates” it but is not at all concerned about marching off with his “empty” bag & lunch case in the morning. Today was his first full day (all last week they did only 2 hours a day) and, though tired, this evening he’s still with it. The activity – jigsaws, games, films and playing – has really got him in. Paid the first month’s bill ($413) today and did it sting. Oh hum; it’s good experience for them – I hope!!

Saw a newspaper report about the footballing thieves – what a terrible thing for the sport and the schools. We’ve heard no more about the vandals who went to town on Parkway Village school building. There were a few suspects but the evidence wasn’t too adhesive so the fear was put into everyone – and an unsuccessful attempt made to promote pimping – whilst, at the same time, the Village painter went in and “covered up”.. So, school is back which is more that can be said for most of N.Y. where the school teachers have been on strike since last Monday week – all [text cut out] schools, therefore, closed [text cut out] immediate possibility [text cut out] on wages and [text cut out] major issues).

Quite [text cut out] work but still nothing [text cut out] sure I knew at UNSW. [text cut out] offer made to me on Friday [text cut out] to take home the [text cut out] for some firms here [text cut out] and have already sent off a letter to a friend of mine to investigate the practicalities of taking it on – could have interesting possibilities. Also, received an unexpected invitation to attend a Government Purchasing Agents luncheon in Washington, D.C. on 27th Sept. and, whilst I’m honoured and decidedly interested in attending it all rather depends on Joan’s disposition about that time. The guest speaker at the luncheon will be Gen. Maxwell Taylor one of the leading lights on Vietnam.

Naturally enough – what with Joan’s condition and the absence of the Bartels – we’ve not been very active this past week; just biding our time. The weather’s been glorious and, except for a little rain, we couldn’t have desired a better weekend. The kids passed their pre-school medicals A1 and everyone is really fit & well.

Will leave the back, as usual, for Joan.

Dear Mum,

Christmas came early yesterday with your parcel. The kiddies (& myself) were all excited over it, the boys were thrilled with their notebooks & loved the book from Margaret. Cathy loved her little parcel too & is wearing the hair clip to school today. Michael hung [text cut out] up last night & wanted to [text cut out] till Christmas. My parcel was [text cut out] are very pretty & Bill has [text cut out] new dress to wear with them. [text cut out] Margaret her parcel for me & baby [text cut out] too. I am taking the little hankie folder into hosp with me. Nearly time to send the youngsters off to school Mum so must hurry off. Hope I’m not here this time next week.

God bless, lots of love,

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