Letters From New York

9th October 1967

Dear Mum,

May not get to see this epistle out as I think I’m in the throes of a wog having a stinking headache and aches and pains all over – may be the reaction to the pressures of the past couple of weeks. Started out waking early yesterday morning with severe stomach pains which improved very little during the day, though they have improved – or is it shifted today. In all this changeable weather we’re having there must be all types of germs flying about. Pleased to report that everyone else in the household is very well particularly the two most important – Joan & Helen. Joan is looking really well and is almost back to normal if one can ever be normal in a house of six children. Helen, so far, is proving to be a little dear and one can notice her filling out and looking better daily. Everyone dotes on her, of course, and the compliments passed by the neighbours are almost embarrassing.

Pleased to hear of your long weekend at Bateau Bay can imagine the house looking quite a treat now after all the attention its been getting. There’s no doubt but that there’s never a dull moment in Vince’s life and hope he doesn’t get caught out by the “wicked witch” whilst he’s home. The trouble over the car is a new one on me – I hadn’t heard anything of it before – he certainly attracts trouble doesn’t he!! Still, I suppose a trip to Sydney at the Crown’s expense won’t go astray. Suppose its silly to ask if he’s had any further news on his accident case.

Have had a fairly quiet week here though very busy at the office. We haven’t been too social, of course and have given the T.V. evening movies quite a bashing. They’re running some very recent & very good ones at the moment (last night we saw “The Yum Yum Tree”) but Joan has missed many trying to get to bed early [text cut out] some sleeping before the baby calls upon her for her nocturnal [text cut out]. Had one interesting experience (to say the least) when [text cut out] Wednesday and Thursday I was the guest of two of our [text cut out] at a N.Y. “Bunnies” Club to watch the World Series [text cut out] T.V. coverage. The invitation read “front seats for the [text cut out] watchers and back (facing the opposite direction) for the girl watchers. We had three scantily clad Amazons looking after our (food & drink) needs during lunch and they were more than well endowed with the basics. The baseball, by the way, was good.

On Friday night I went with Greg and two other Australians to the famous Roosevelt Raceway Trotting Track near here and had an enjoyable – if not profitable evening – seeing how the Americans do it. I did no good in three bets and Greg lost quite a bit but his friend won some $20.00 in four wagers. All in all quite an experience. Earlier in the day Greg’s doctor friend bought out another Aust. doctor friend (a heart specialist) to see us and do a check over Jennifer. He works with the professor at the Uni. who introduced us to the specialist over here and, as we explained the situation, he realized it had been mentioned to him by Prof. Beveridge when he was in Sydney. He assured us that little could be wrong with a babe as healthy as Jenny looks but confirmed that the catheterisation should be done if only to set everyone’s mind to rest as to where the trouble lies and what it is. He strongly suggested, however, that the “job” would best be done when we got home rather than here, particularly if any follow up action or treatment is found to be necessary.

Saturday Joan had the morning shopping for birthday gifts for numerous children (the kiddies have a spate of party invitations) and a new dress for herself. Naturally enough, she finished up buying material & spent a feverish few hours before the party (on Saturday night) making it up. There were 28 people at the party & we had a ball. We took Helen with us – she was marvellous – but left the others minding the house. Sinking fast, so will leave the rest for Joan.
Lots of love,

Dear Mum,

Looks like my number one boy is in for something. He does not look well tonight but I think it is some sort of wog & with his bad tummy it has hit him just there. He really has been working hard since I had the baby & really doing two jobs one at the U.N. and one at home. Don’t know how I could have managed or got back onto my feet so soon if Bill had not done so much to help me. I am feeling really terrific now & little Helen is just beautiful. I’d love all of you to see her. We are having her Baptised on Sunday, hope it is a nice day. Michael has just been singing for us & of all things in French. It is amazing just how much that little fella has learnt in four weeks at school. He still likes it & is no trouble at all to get out of the house each morning. He likes his teacher too, which helps a bit. Jenny is great company for me during the day. I don’t see a lot of Helen she sleeps all the time.
God bless, lots of love,

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