Letters From New York
26th December, 1967
Dear Mum,
Well literally bloated, have a double chore this week since I have a late letter (fancy almost forgetting your No. 1 Son) and your most recent Xmas edition to answer. It was, for us, a most joyous season spoiled only by the absence of those, like yourself, we hold so dear and we do hope that your festive celebrations were up to par. I imagine the season was a little spoiled by Holt’s death; trust the heat did not reign supreme and imagine that things weren’t too bad as, in a letter received today, Glenn said he & Lindsay were off to Nan’s for Xmas dinner. Twice blessed we were as there was also a card in the mail today (Boxing Day is a holiday only for the elite & privileged here) from Margaret. Sorry to hear of Lindsay’s misfortunes but felt sure he has the will to recover from the disappointments and kill ’em next time (remind him of the number of times I got up off the floor!). Glenn – whilst himself a little disappointed in himself – seems to think he’s had another good year.
Missed our White Xmas by a few days this year as we had an unexpected snowfall of a couple of inches on Saturday morning but it was very soft and didn’t stay around too long. Christmas Day dawned quite fine but became cooler as the day wore on though there were still traces of the snow about. I’d had quite a hectic week at work what with the night out with Joan on Wednesday to see “Hallelujah Baby” (staring Leslie Uggams) and then the Office Christmas party on Thursday night. Friday we had drizzling rain for the funeral services here in New York for Harold Holt. They were held at St. John the Divine Episcopalian Cathedral – a marvellous landmark which has been under construction for ages and will still we believe, be another 100 years before completed – and the Governor of New York (Nelson Rockefeller) read the eulogy with the Mayor of N.Y. standing by. The Church was crowded and we were very well done by. There was quite a crowd of U.N. staff members present but a notable alliance of delegates to the U.N. Indeed, the eulogies at the U.N. General Assembly Meeting following the announcement last weekend were very few and short and there were, I believe, many ex-Commonwealth Countries & Colombo Plan recipients notable by their absence or disinclination to speak.
Anyhow, back to Xmas? Joan went this year to Midnight Mass in view of her heavy day as hostess for the Xmas Day doings. I took the elder boys to the movies on Saturday to see Sound of Music (Cathy having seen it the day before with the Brownies) and Saturday night we commenced preparation for the big day. Friday night we’d been out for Xmas drinks etc at friends and on Sunday we visited the Kelly’s at Port Washington (they’re expecting their fourth child on 2nd January) and arrived home in time for me to take a dozen or so youngsters out on our carolling jaunt. Did quite well, even though we were out only for an hour or so and were offered money (which we declined) at many stops. Couldn’t resist, however, two nice little ornaments & a box of chocolates presented to us by Japanese listeners.
We were twice out for drinks following my return home and then busily engaged playing Santa. Including your gifts the scores were ANTHONY: Car set & carrying case, chemistry kit, construction kit, model frog for dissecting, pyjamas, a lovely jumper from Mum Rogers etc, etc, etc. PHILLIP: A drum set, hockey game, roulette game, another jumper from Mum R, various games etc; CATHY the talking doll, a watch from us, a childs candy making outfit, blackboard and all sorts of goodies; MICHAEL: games & puzzles galore; JENNIFER: a doll & wind-up performing puppy whilst Helen scored a musical T.V. and a soft, cuddly panda. I received clothes of all sorts; an ice bucket and records whilst JOAN got a short winter coat from me cooking ware and sewing box. The parade of Xmas gifts from vendors at work has still not stopped and was highlighted at the weekend by a beautiful set of crystal glasses & mixing bowl and received 8 bottles of WHISKY.
Xmas dinner was something to remember as we played hosts to 5 other adults and fourteen children, comprising our own, the Bartels & the Roberts families. There seemed to be bodies everywhere all day and it was about 3pm when we sat down to dinner to literally polish off a 20lb turkey (a real credit to Joan’s cooking) with cauli, peas, spuds & onions plus cranberry & white sauces, gravy etc, etc. followed by plum pudding and custard laced with brandy. Truly, and almost Australian Xmas & you weren’t at any time very far from our thoughts. Indeed, Jenny, who also scored a toy telephone, has been constantly phoning “Nanna Wire” ever since.
Well, out of space – and almost out of news, so will hand over to Joan once more. Believe Qantas are on strike again, so don’t know when you’ll get this. Lots of love & best wishes for the New year – See you soon.
Bill xxxxxxxx
Dear Mum, Bill said he forgot to tell you that Jenny’s trip to the specialist last Saturday was put off till next Saturday 30th. So we have to wait another week. Jenny will know you when we come home she rings you up all the time and says “Hello Nanna Wire, Jenny good girl” While I think of it you might have a babysitting job a week or so after we come home at least to mind the four bigger kiddies while we go to Neil’s wedding. I’m sure you will have the time of your life with your little “Yankee” grandchildren, as they will with their Australian nanna. Hope you have a Happy New Year Mum, not long now till we will be invading you! Lots of love & God bless, Joan xxxxxxxx