Letters From New York
22nd January 1968
Dear Mum,
Well I imagine you feel just as shut off from the outside world – and perhaps even more so – as we are what with the big Australian postal strike. No idea (again) when this might reach you but have to keep the faith and maintain the chronological order of things. Our thoughts have been with you and we’re looking forward to a buildup of mail from home any old time. Not a great deal of news filtering through from down-under though late this afternoon we learned that many of the State postal workers had met or were meeting to discuss offers by the P.O. and most were agreed upon a return to work. Wouldn’t you know, however, that the New South Welshmen had reneged – at least for the time being. We’ve been getting no newspapers at all and most of our “official” news is coming via the Australian Consulate here in New York.
This leaves all the Dwyers in New York in very good health and spirits (as we hope it finds you) and emerging hale and hearty from the deep freeze. From about midweek last week conditions and temperatures started to improve and we’ve just negotiated a (for here) Spring like weekend with temperatures touching the 50°s. We got Michael back to school on Tuesday, with some protesting, after his day off on Monday with a cold and rash. Joan was somewhat concerned about German Measles which are around (and which Robyn Bartels had) but, if he did have them it was a very mild dose. He’s been good as gold since though Mondays – as far as getting him off to school is concerned – are his worst days.
Find my correspondence list mounting. Oh so many of my friends took the opportunity at Xmas time to incorporate a letter in or with their greetings card. Hope to get a letter off to Vince (in answer to his Xmas card and September letter) also tonight and so start my New Years resolution off. Did get some writing done over the weekend and actually applied for a job purchasing with an international steel company based at Lidcombe. The pay’s fair and the conditions & fringe benefits look interesting so we’ll see how it goes. Things have been picking up at the U.N. and I have been kept quite busy of late. No firm discussions with the powers that be about our future plans – I’m rather sitting back & letting them make the first move.
Had a couple of shopping excursions again, Joan doing pretty well in purchasing bed linen and dresses etc. for herself and Catherine. Had the morning off on Friday to take her out to look over a very good shopping area further out on Long Island and finished up, myself, buying an overcoat priced normally at $61 it was sale price at $49 and, as I held credit chits (given by one of the firms with whom I do business at work) for $30 it cost me a mere $19. It is a real beauty – made of Italian wool and as soft as fur. It’s black, and fits like a glove – really a very good buy. Joan’s on the lookout at the moment for a good long, formal evening gown to wear to a social do we’ve been invited to on Friday night. More likely, however, she’ll finish up with a bundle of material sewing it all together minutes before the do starts.
There isn’t a great deal to report on doings for the week as its been very quiet. Did have my first experience of a Chinese restaurant (a la New York) when taken to luncheon Thursday and later had dinner in town on Thursday night when I had discussions with some business contacts about a rep. proposition I have in mind for when I go home. Despite the good weather had no exceptional excitement over the weekend though we did have another shopping jaunt on Saturday morning. Had a round of golf (or seven holes anyway) with Greg and a friend on Saturday afternoon and didn’t play at all badly (even though I say so myself) after such a long layoff in conditions which were damp and soggy with plenty of ice and snow still around. On Sunday we had a barbecue picnic with the Bartels at a park near home. When we came back Anthony landed home with quite a marvellous boys’ bicycle he found abandoned in a field near the apartment. Though tempted to let him keep it, reason prevailed and I reported the find to the police who have volunteered to collect it but say we can keep it if not reclaimed within 3 months. Here’s hoping.
Well, out of space and news so will close.
Love & best wishes,
Dear Mum,
Here we are with no news from home because of that silly old postal strike. We miss all of our letters from home & I guess you miss ours too. Nothing very exciting to report from here still spending money like water but have bought some very nice things to bring ”home”. The Five Dock gang will get in touch with you when the tape arrives & you “must” go out there one day & listen to it. Jenny sounds gorgeous & its worth a trip to Five Dock to hear her; your big grandsons sound like real “yanks” but you’ll love them just the same.
God bless, all my love,