Letters From New York

1st April 1968

Dear Mum,

April fools day and the nation is in something of a turmoil here at present with the shock announcement by LBJ last night that he’d had enough & wasn’t prepared to be a candidate in this topsy turvy election year. There’s all sorts of conjecture around now as what will be the probable outcome and who will be the successful candidate and the past few weeks have really given the theorists a bonanza. Your letter arrived in Friday this week and, as usual, quite acceptable and full of news.

Had a letter on Saturday from Ian Lovegrove announcing his impending arrival – in New York with Bros. Rodan & John (en route to Eire) and asking if we might be able to put them up. Replied that at best, can only look after one on the boarder basis though offered to help another two out if they’re desperate (how I’m not perfectly sure yet!!). Wrote to Margaret over the weekend bringing her up to date with current news and views but short-sheeted her a little as the only airletter form I had left was one I’d partly used and deleted a section. However, the thought is what counts.

Trust you’re as well as this leaves all of us. The kids (much to their distress) returned to school today after their one week Spring break but came home perfectly happy this evening. Have seen the reports of the helicopter disaster – quite a terrible thing and, over the weekend, has some first-hand news of the terrible summer Melbourne’s been experiencing as the mother of one of our friends is over here on a visit. Lindsay does seem to be getting the run-around with the army but at least it makes for variety and maintaining interest. Note your comments again re the folk Mass of Glenn’s. We had an unusual experience on Friday night when we were invited to the home of a Uruguayan couple we know for a home Mass. This was conducted by two young “way out” priests with a group of about twenty people but rather being a Mass became a group discussion on religion, church and the mass and their places in this day and age. In fact we received Communion (host & wine) in a round table ceremony of prayer recitation as a climax to proceedings. An interesting if not exciting experience and I can’t be immediately sold on the prospect of this ceremony as a substitute for the Mass (& Sunday Mass in particular) as the promoters suggest will be the case.

Don’t tell me endowment is going up again (there was a rise in the last Budget) – are they seriously talking about it or is it conjecture? Budget time is still all of 6 months away. As for the tax concession well one has to be a wage earner before they apply so we’ll see when the time comes. Joan says not to worry about us increasing to take benefit of the concessions – she’s firm in the resolve that she’s retired. She sure is a doll but is driving herself silly what with all the sewing. She revels in it of course and is delighting in the new machine as if it were a new plaything.

Have made my resignation from the U.N. official (may have told you last week) and they’ve countered with the offer of promise of a promotion. It’s by no means the answer and action to return is still proceeding as planned. Only eight weeks to go now and we’re still concerned about the failure of furniture removalists and packers to come to agreement with their principals on the terms of a strike which they’ve had on for nearly five weeks now. Certainly never a dull moment here and any protraction of the thing could certainly cause us some embarrassment.

Had a thrill on Saturday with a visit out to the local racetrack on special tickets which gained us admission to the club grandstand area and thrilled by the fact that my first two bets were winners. Poured it back into the system, however, as my next few didn’t run a drum. However, only lost 40 cents on the day so one could say I was highly successful. For a change we had perfect weekend weather with temperatures in the 70’s and glorious sunshine though it did come up quite cool on Sunday afternoon.

Joan had the kids in town for a treat on Thursday when she took Anthony, Phillip, Cathy and Michael into Radio City Music Hall for a Disney film and Vaudeville Easter Show which they all raved about. Have secured tickets for the Ringling Bros./Barnum & Bailey Circus at Madison Square Garden on May 4th so the kids are doing all right. Have had news of John Phillips visiting New York about the same time as the Brothers so May looks like being a hectic month.

Out of space & news so will close.

Love & best wishes,

Dear Mum,

Tuesday morning & this time 8 weeks will be our day of departure. I can hardly believe it is so close. We forgot to send any Mothers Day presents (they should have gone two weeks ago to be sure of delivery) so I think we might bring an extra present home with us for you, be sure we will be thinking of you on Mothers Day though. This morning is quite cool again 36°, after some nice weather for the week the kiddies had off from school. It is lovely though to see the trees etc. with tiny green shoots on them after being bare for so long. Jenny gets outside nearly every day now to have a little play.

God bless, all my love,

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