Memoirs - Page 10

Neither Mum nor Dad individually or collectively had a wide circle of friends (i.e. such as might visit us on occasion) and did not indulge in visitations to other peoples' homes on any regular basis. We kept, I believe, very much to ourselves and this did not seem to change for Ethel after Andrew passed on. She, too, left little or nothing by way of a will, legacies or bequests (and no significant debts) behind her though she had squirrelled away, round and about her home, various small hoards of cash - she never seemed to have any faith in banks (no doubt a hang up from her early life/Depression experiences) - which in total served to cover her funeral/burial expenses. She was independent to the last!

In 1984, however, I benefitted (as also, I expect, did Margaret and Vincent) to the tune of nearly $2,000 - to part of her share as a beneficiary in the deceased estates of Johanna and Ann RAMSDALE upon the sale of their residence at 7 Robinson Street, SUNSHINE.

Ethel was a Catholic through and through, defending her faith and the church, and a believer to the end. She was a staunch supporter, for example, of Mary MacKillop! She may have been flexible (or compliant to her husband's leanings?) in her politics, but I cannot be certain.

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