Memoirs - Page 11

In the hope that you haven't found the background details mundane and boring, I will now pass on to me. You already know where, how and when I was born and I have very little knowledge as to what I had experienced or felt about anything or anybody in my first six years (or thereabouts) of life. I vaguely recall some form of exposure to a crèche (not called that then) or kindergarten experience and know that I had a personal (after school?) minder (presumably paid) by the name of Joan JONES (would you believe) at some stage. Where elder sister Margaret "fitted into" it all and my early days I do not know - I have no recall of her ever having lived with us in GLEBE! - but she is adamant that she had a constant input into, and presence in, the early nurturing and welfare of Vince and myself (between 1934 and 1943) until her own marriage and motherhood commitments took over.

I think I was in love at approximately age 7 when I carefully and skillfully manufactured a bead necklace for a blonde beauty (Patricia TAYLOR by name) who took my fancy in class. We attended the local Catholic (St. Joseph Nuns) convent school - with a boys' school and Church (St James', FOREST LODGE) nearby - and I moved on to the boys school (conducted by the Patrician Brothers, an order of Irish brethren) in due course. At one point it shared a common border/fence line with the convent school.

Class photo - St James school
Bill in 2nd row, 6th from left. St. James School 1942.

One of the singular events that sticks in my mind about the convent school is that (and whilst I was "courting" Miss Taylor) I was rejected as an auditionee [didn't even know then what the word meant] for a place in the junior school choir. This, because, when I was asked what song I would like to perform as my "audition" piece, I volunteered the bawdy "Roll out the Barrel" hit tune. This, obviously, did not fit well with Sister's notion that a nice, relaxed and meaningful religious theme piece might be better suited to the occasion (oh well, their loss and short sightedness, was - in due course perhaps - my gain!). I did, however, make later school choirs at the Brothers' school which performed in annual, St. Patricks Day concerts at the Sydney Town Hall.

St James school 2005St James church 2005
St. James School and church, 2005

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