Letters From New York
8 May 1966
Charter Road
Dear Mum,
Here it is Mothers Day & it does seem a bit strange not to be at your place to-day. Hope you had a lovely day though & that you received the flowers and card. We are settling in O.K. now, I really like it here in Parkway Village but think of all of you at home very often. Bill has been terrific, he has done everything possible to make us all feel at home. We were only here a couple of days and he bought a T.V. set a very nice new one only $120. He has bought me an iron, toaster & lovely clock radio. Also lovely lamps for the house. We have no lights in the ceiling here, they use all lamps. Our lounge suite arrives on Wednesday & we have the phone on, one upstairs & one down. So you see I am really being looked after.
The children started at the United Nations School last Monday & all love it. You wouldn't want to guess but Phillip's teacher is Miss Rogers, and American. Anthony's teacher is Mrs Yee from Burma. I'm not sure what Cathy's is but she has 2 little Japanese girl friends & Phillip is very friendly with a little boy from Vietnam. There are only 16 Australian children in the whole school our 3 and the girls of our friends whom we met when we arrived. These people (Jill and Greg Bartels) have been really wonderful to us since we arrived, they got us into this place & have lent us table and chairs etc. till our own things arrive. They have 4 girls the youngest Michael's age and the eldest a little older than Anthony, they are Catholics too and they live just over the courtyard. All our children get on very well.
Left to right: Catherine, Phillip & Anthony |
Two wheel bikes are the rage here, all three have learnt to ride them, so looks like they are next on the list. Next Thursday I have to take Jenny for a check-up. I'm sure they will find everything O.K. She has been wonderful, in fact all 5 of them have been no trouble they have settled in & love it here. Michael was a bit cranky & tired for a few days when we first arrived but seems to be himself again now.
Was glad to hear Joan Ramsdale {this would be a sister of Nanna Dwyer's father I presume} was down to see you again, I'm sure she will look after you. Hope the lottery ticket in the children's names brought a bit of luck Mum. If you win a big prize we have room for you over here. Sorry to hear about Tom Killeen hope he isn't suffering too much. No Anthony and Phillip haven't got the Samurai over here but have a lot of shows they used to watch at home. Batman & Robin is the craze here, I suppose it won't be long before they forget the Samurai & play Batman.
How is Vince? Hope he has a good job now and able to settle down. Poor boy he really has had his share of bad luck hasn't he? Get him to write to Bill soon & let us know how he is.
Bill wrote to Margaret the other day, I think he gave her most of the news. Tell her I loved San Francisco I could have spent my 2 years there.
Well Mum I haven't any more news now, and besides I had better get some tea for the mob. Look after yourself and pray the 2 years we are here will fly.
All my love
P.S. When you write again Mum, use these Air Mail letter cards, they only cost you 9c where a letter is 20c (I'm sure I've got a bit of scotch blood in me). Love, Joan.