Letters From New York

Sunday 7th May 1967

Dear Mum,

A day early this week, but waiting in the hope that this, and the Mothers Day card enclosed, will get to you early and in time. Note that my Tuesday morning postings have been getting to you regularly on Saturdays of late but there could be a “run” on the service this week with Mothers Day due. Trust that the day goes very well for you and that our gift will have arrived in time and be as acceptable as we wish it to be. This leaves us all pretty well though completing a weekend which has been damp and most miserable (continuous rain all day yesterday and today) with Jennifer and Michael a little discomforted by head colds. Jennifer, particularly, was beset by a fever and was quite miserable but is decidedly improved tonight.

Your Friday special arrived on time and was, as usual, most entertaining. Imagine the company does you the world of good but you do seem to have a flair towards attaching yourself to the odd balls in every crowd! Passed your news of Bobby Limb on to Jill & Greg so hope to see him if he makes it over this way from Expo 67 at Montreal. We’re surprisingly up to date with all the Australian news doings (thanks to the fact that I get a batch of papers now every Tuesday from an Australian news service) and I must thank you for the papers on Tobin Bronze’s Doncaster – they arrived on Saturday morning. Had read, with regret of Baume’s passing, but haven’t read anything of the big telescope. Will have to put our best feet forward all the time now with the possibility of you looking in on us!

Understand the Catholic school situation there is deteriorating (Anthony’s school at Panania had a walk out of lay teachers from the brothers) and we read and hear quite a deal of the growing feeling in the Catholic community of inability to maintain the “service” in view of the rising costs. Our experience here seems to indicate that the State or non-denominational (private) schools lack something of the discipline usually found in the Catholic schools – perhaps the kids are overawed by the black garbed brothers and sisters – but we sure have no complaint about the methods & range of teaching. Our immediate school problem seems to have resolved itself as the U.N. School Board announced on Friday that (a) it couldn’t raise the necessary funds (about $2M short) and (b) had lost the site for its new school with the (happy?) result that the Parkway Village adjunct will stay open until 1972 and alternative accommodation will be found elsewhere in Manhattan to house the many students now using a city-condemned building. Myself, however, I see little else but trouble as I sense further fee rises and a mass exodus of teachers who see their dream snatched out of their hands (the new school was to have been so modern, roomy & beautiful).

The rain this weekend if it didn’t do the Dwyers and Bartels any good will certainly have been nothing but beneficial for the gardens. One can really notice the plants sitting up and taking notice. Worse feature of the weekend was the drop in temperatures (below 40°) after some lovely weather during the week. Both Phillip and Catherine found their office tours of the U.N. quite interesting and exciting and I was able to meet with both of them (and met their teachers) whilst they were there. As I mentioned in the last letter we’re now on daylight saving and there’s still plenty of daylight around at 8.00PM with the days getting even longer.

I had the signal honour, early in the week, of being invited to join the executive of an International Purchasing Officers group here in New York and, earlier, of also becoming a foundation member of the International Federation now being formed. Seems, however, the possibility of my journeying to Montreal has fallen through as a lifetime member and keen public relations man from the Australian Association has been nominated as the sole Aust. delegate to go. In fact, we’ll be entertaining him in New York on his way to Montreal.

Another hectic social weekend materialised out of the blue as we had Francis Wong (my Chinese/Aust. Architect friend from Columbia University) out on Friday night to give us an expert’s view on what could and should be done to improve the Parkway Village U.N. school setup. Greg and Jill were, naturally, involved in proceedings and we sat up chatting till midnight (Frank staying the night). Then, last night, the Bartels entertained having the Dwyers and Travis’ to dinner to meet an Anglican priest (almost bishop) turned Catholic Priest (from Tasmania) & a convert, ex-nun – do you follow all that!! Believe me, they were most entertaining and quite a marvellous night ensued. Since being here and meeting with the clergy that have “dropped-in” on the Bartels, my whole idea of them as a class and a group has altered immensely.

The rain didn’t stop us shopping yesterday (to finish up Catherine’s communion needs – next Saturday) but with no great degree of success. Joan will have to have another attempt before the weekend. “THE DRESS” is completed and looks quite lovely (will have Joan describe it). Again, it will be a gala affair though simply domestic as the Church or School does not provide a “breakfast”. We’re having the Bartels (their girl Julie Anne is also a recipient) and Travis’ over for a celebration luncheon. Have had a fill of golf tournaments on T.V. over the weekend and also saw the 93rd running of the Kentucky Derby on T.V. yesterday. Hear too that George Moore, after only a couple of weeks in England, has won both the colts and fillies Classic Guineas races!

Well, I’m exhausted, and I imagine you will be reading this. Will now hand over to the chief. Hope Sunday is a lovely day and, rest assured our thoughts will be with you.
Love and best wishes,

Dear Mum,

Yes “The Dress” is finished. It is made of nylon with plenty of lace & does look quite pretty. The best way to describe it is just that it is white & frilly. We will send you a photo when we can. I put your gift for her away & will give it to her on Saturday. Neil is due home on Friday. I can imagine there will be a few mixed tears and smiles at Five Dock then. Hope this rain stops by tomorrow, two days rain is quite enough, we had planned on another picnic today but had a very quiet!!! day at home. Tell Margaret we would like to see a couple of family photos of the party if she has any. Have a bit of sewing to do with the summer coming. Bill has given you all the news I think, so I’ll be off to bed. God bless you hope you have a very happy Mothers Day.
Lots of love,

P.S. Had a visit to the hospital last Thursday & all is A1. My blood count is a bit low & I have to take iron tablets. Have only put on 2lbs. in 4 ½ months. Dr said I should have no trouble at all.

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