Letters From New York
29th May 1967
Dear Mum,
Am writing this late on Monday afternoon (N.Y. time) in the hope that I’ll catch the 5.45 mail out. Tomorrow is a public holiday here as we’re in the midst of Memorial Day “weekend” – the U.S. equivalent of our Anzac Day. They’re not the least bit convinced, it seems, of putting the actual holiday forward or back to make a full three day weekend but take the holiday on the actual date, regardless. Even so, many of the “locals” have taken the opportunity to make it a big four-day weekend.
Disconcerted, to say the least, by your news of Margaret's sudden “troubles” and had a letter from her the next day giving more detail. Whilst appreciating its quite serious glad to know its a ladies’ operation and trust that all will go well for her. Have written her (immediately we received your letter) and posted a card off this morning so you can assure her our thoughts and prayers are with her – especially yesterday & today. Imagine the news has thrown you slightly out of stride and am myself in a quandary as to where to address this letter. Have taken the punt (since it should reach you on Friday) and will send it to Birrong. Hope that doesn’t foul up your receiving schedule. Have commenced a novena of Masses for Margaret so she’s got quite a deal going for her.
Seem to be over my troubles and woes now as the throat has cleared up very well and, with glorious weather prevailing at the weekend, have begun to feel like a a new man again. Jenny, poor little mite, is again in the throes of some wog which has her up and down. She’s been sporting a very sore and cross looking bottom the past few days and has developed a frog-like croak now. Joan had her up to the doctor this morning and she’s been put on a medicine. Though not greatly distressed by it all, she’s not her normal self and probably needs a few days to beat it. Our protracted winter has many infants and adults affected by al sorts of mysterious virus’s, but the four other Dwyers seem to be not the least bit concerned. They’re really blooming!
Had a very nice evening last Tuesday as Francis Wong’s guest for dinner (with Joan of course!) and sorry to see the back of him. There’s some prospect he may stay in Australia though late developments may require him to return here towards the end of the year for a while. Selfishly, we rather hope so!! He’s a very nice fellow and we’ve commissioned him to contact the Rogers – have sent him out with a load of slides and hope they’ll get you out to meet him if he can make it one evening for dinner. I gave him Margaret’s ‘phone number too, so you may even get to speak with him when he calls. He’s due to arrive in Sydney next Friday morning.
Anthony had his day (with School) at the U.N. on Thursday last and Joan came in for the outing as one of the supporting mothers. They both enjoyed the official tour (by contrast with my unofficial ones) very much. On Thursday I had a great thrill as I was able to play host to Normie Rowe and his manager on a tour of the U.N. They were being cared for by a newspaper friend of mine (Ray Kerrison of the “Mirror”) who suddenly took ill and asked me if I’d fill the breach. Did so – of course – and found them to be most interesting and interested chaps. They’re now on their way to Montreal to link up with Bobby Limb and other Australian artists for the Aust. week festivities at the Worlds Fair.
Still quite busy at work with the Middle East problem looking blacker all the time. No news yet from our Security Council meeting which was due to sit at 3.00PM but really can’t see them being able to do much. Here, it’s developed into the usual confrontation between West and East, with neither side allowing one to get the drop on the other. We hear too of fresh skirmishes in India/Pakistan and in Korea.!!!
Hope all goes well with you – you must be in your element with a housefull of men to look after again. Have you heard any more of the “girlfriend”? Has she managed to smell out her financier as yet? I suppose he would be quite elated over his football success – as well he might – since I believe it’s a pretty tough league up there.
We had our usual (ritual) Sunday picnic with the Bartels on Sunday – even took Jenny out the weather was so lovely – and had the whale of a time. Car’s going well and I’m driving with more confidence. Joan has a spate of activities coming up as the school year is drawing to a close – only 3 weeks to go – & school plays, dances & sports days are in vogue. Not sending them to camp this year – Cape Cod will have to do. It’s dashed expensive and they’re not overly keen.
Fond love & a special wish for “sis”. Your son,