Letters From New York
Apartment C,
144-47 Charter Road,
Monday 20th Nov, 1967
Dear Mum,
Another Monday, and commencing this as we await the arrival of Pat Travis to mind the brood so Joan and I can get out to scout around the shops for Xmas toys. We were scheduled to do the same last Wednesday evening but, with everything and everyone beautifully organised, we had trouble with a flat tyre on the car & had to postpone. The car had actually done us a favour, however, [text cut]. By the way whilst I remember your cheque arrived with the card on Saturday. You are a devil sending so much money, but expect to put it to some use tonight as the display of toys and books would astonish you and it is most difficult to make any decision because of the variety and also in view of the tradition the stores indulge in the festive business [text cut out so I did my best with the last paragraph].
Bern’s letter today) that your heatwave came to an abrupt halt with a fall to 50° plus. Sad to hear of the effect on the gardens – wonder how our tenants looking after the show place at No. 9. Wrote to Glenn t’other night (owing him a letter & remembering that he’d be on the threshold of exams) and hope that he and Lindsay are faring well at this testing time. Seems the drought situation is very bad particularly in Victoria and have been reading of some pretty hectic bushfire activity in the country areas. Had a letter also recently from Tot and a short addition from Noreen, but probably with no news that would be new to you.
Have just negotiated a pretty hectic 1.5 hours shopping and have come home with all sorts of goodies. Have purchased a complete drum set (will probably hate myself in the morning) for Phillip; games; dolls and all sorts of other marvellous little things – feel very pleased with our efforts. We were able to shop up to 9.30 pm and used up every minute of the time. Have a load of stuff to sneak upstairs whilst everyone’s asleep & haven’t definitely determined who’s getting what – will let you know later what your cheque has bought. One good buy which I scored last week was an excellent suede/sheepskin lined car coat jacket (normally $45.00) for $19.00. We’ve purchased heavy coats for each of the kiddies lately & Joan today made a marvellous buy on a coat for Michael at just under $4.00. I sent her into town alone on Saturday to shop around for herself & she wound up with 2 pr. Shoes, girdle, dressing gown, 2 piece nylon dress; gloves.
We had Jenny to the doctor on Tuesday night with a skin infection on the buttocks which cleared quickly with ointment. She’s developed a similar outbreak near the mouth and since it’s kept wet it has been difficult to clear. Wednesday saw us with another bicycle disaster – Anthony’s was stolen from under our very noses but, of all of them, it was in the worst condition & the thief got no bargain. It was stolen within 25 minutes of my coming home from work and whilst I was having dinner at a window facing the lighted porch on which they stand. Fortunately, it was insured, but we won’t get back the full purchase price. Have our annual golf party on the same night and on Thursday had a big thrill when I was invited to the Waldorf Astoria as a luncheon guest of the N.Y. Electrical Trade. The “place” is marvellous and the Grand Ballroom in which the luncheon was held, quite beautiful.
[Text Cut but, it appears Dad attended some play (I think by students at the UN) and was notably unimpressed to continue …]disturbing and the play was preceded by a quite pointless and not very impressive demonstration of modern jazz by a not too accomplished hired six piece band of derelicts. Saturday, of course, I was the babysitter and Sunday we had our first day out as a family since Helen’s arrival when we travelled some 30 miles to have lunch at the house of some recently arrived Aust. friends in White Plains.
Everyone is exceptionally well – the colds and coughs, thank Heaven, are fading from the scene – and all are sporting the rosy cheeks of winter. Could rave on as I’ve so often done, about the Dwyer children but will SAVE some for that for the proud mother. All in all we’re going well, but looking forward to our 1968 reunion down under.
Love & sincere best wishes, Bill xxxxxxxx
Dear Mum, It is nearly midnight so will rush through this and hop into bed. Our latest grandchild is coming on beautifully. She has put on 5lbs in 8 weeks still as good as gold. I would hardly know she was in the house. Winter is really with us and bitterly cold. The coldest temperature we have had was 17° last week but no real snow yet, very close. Some light falls at times, but not enough to cover the ground. The children are waiting for the snow so they can get out on the sleds again. Might have a go on them myself this year. Michael brought a reading book home from school and read it all to us. He is doing very well. Thank you for the Christmas money, but you should not have sent half that much.
Lots of love, Joan xxxxxxxx