Letters From New York

“Our Place”
11th December, 1967

Dear Mum,

Well it’s been a very hectic week this past one but I’ve managed to survive and here I am with the news.  Your letter didn’t arrive until Saturday and we’ve suddenly been hit by a spate of Xmas cards so imagine there will be some delays in the mails from now on.  Two unusual “letters” which have come were advices from two of the firms with whom I do business that (a) a parcel of 1st prize meat and (b) a parcel of choice Florida fruits had been ordered for me & are to be delivered before Xmas for the holiday enjoyment of the Dwyers.  In this country that’s something of a treat.   Laughed at your account of the beauty parlour treatment and am amazed that one so lovely as you needs any treatment.  I owe the Melbournians a letter – must get down to it before Xmas & had a card from Tot & Noreen today.  Things must be bad when they won’t allow the natives to bath.

Tuesday I was entertained to luncheon at which, along with a group of similarly interested souls, I commenced to launching of an International Committee in the local Purchasing Agents Ass’n.  Later, attended my first pro-basketball match at Madison Square Gardens and had a most enjoyable & entertaining evening.  In fact, it’s one of the last functions at the Garden as the new M.S.G. is almost finished, and will be put into use early in the N.Y. the old one, good and all as it still is, is to be torn down.

Wednesday, kept up the social whirl when, in company with two Aust. male friends, saw “Summer of the 7th Doll” which the U.N. drama group ran.  One of our Aust. friends (a girl) was in it – her swan song – as she’d returning to South Australia next Sunday.  The show was very well done & quite wonderfully received though the one weak link in my opinion was another Aust. – a chap who had one of the principal roles and just didn’t deliver emphatically enough.

Thursday evening saw me at a school Parent’s meeting and, before you could say U.N.I.S, there I was on the Committee of a new group being formed.  Thursday was also the day of Cardinal Spellman’s funeral the crowds at the church being enormous.  Didn’t go to the ceremonies but saw a little of the Mass on T.V.  With Johnson and ten cardinals present it was quite something.  Friday was a Holy Day here – the Immaculate Conception – and after midday mass met an Aust. girl from the U.N.S.W Library over here to do some work.  She’s a friend of Greg’s and his doctor pal (students at Sydney Uni together) and we had a good chinwag over old times.  In the evening was out shopping with Joan and repeated the dose on Sat. morning.  The presents we got the kids from you were Anthony – Monopoly; Phillip – Racing Car Set; Catherine – Talking Doll; Michael – Tom & Jerry Shooting Set; Jennifer – Pyjamas & slippers; Helen – a lovely set of pink & white knitted pants & jumper (she could be wearing these when we come off the boat).

Saturday evening we had our Argentinean neighbours in for an impromptu card evening and Sunday – which was very, very cold – we rested up.  Both Anthony and Michael attended birthday parties in the afternoon and, in the evening, I acted as baby sitter whilst Joan, Sonia (the Argentine girl) & Jill with her two girls attended the annual Human Rights Day concert (free) at the U.N.  It was a programme featuring a famous Indian instrumentalist and French actor and Yehudi and Hepzibah Menuin.  She (Joan) says it was interesting but not so good nor with as much variety as last year.  Tomorrow evening we have the Annual Purchasing Dinner & I have another school committee meeting on Thursday.

Everyone is well despite the elements and we’ve been assailed by rain all day today.  Helen is going ahead full steam is fat as lard & still as good as gold.  She’s grown about 4” and must have put on six or seven pounds.  Michael though regularly tired, is going marvellously at school & this week bought home his first Maths “test” with 20 sums right out of 20.  He tells us he repeated the dose later in the week.  He’s on his 6th reading book and is , like Anthony, a mad fiend for the pencil, chalks and crayons.  Cathy has her inauguration ceremony into the Brownies tomorrow and is fairly itching to get into the uniform.  The big boys are fine & becoming more American every day.  Joan’s still tired & overworked but probably has enough energy to scrawl a few lines below.  Me, I’m fit – got to be with a go, go family like ours.

Love & kisses Bill xxxxxxxxxx

Dear Mum, We are not long home from a trip out shopping, this time not for presents but for a cardigan each for Anthony & Phillip & Pyjamas for the three boys.  They are going to be thrilled with the gifts from you they are all lovely.  Helen’s little outfit is really gorgeous.  Their eyes will nearly pop out on Christmas morning.  I think we seem to have such a lot for them this year.  Goodness knows where we will put it after Christmas.  It has been raining here for 24 hrs, wish we could send some of it down to Melbourne.  The children finish school next week for 3 weeks. Hope we get some snow for them.  God bless & Lots of love Joan xxxxxxxx

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