Letters From New York

15th April 1968

Dear Mum,

A busy week to say the least what with letters from yourself, Glenn and Margaret (the latter two apologising profusely for Ian Lovegrove having written to me about the brothers visit in May) full of plenty of news of home. Feel terrible about not having conveyed Easter greetings to everyone – proof how Americanised we’ve become in such a short space of time – but there’s so little enthusiasm for it here that it almost passes unnoticed. A significant feature of this one was the fact that Good Friday and the Jewish festival of Passover occurred on one and the same day – a rather unique occurrence. We trust that your Easter was happy and that the Easter Bunny was kind. He was a very welcome guest over here with Michael, Jennifer and Helen scoring gifts in addition to the standard package of easter eggs and candies.

Wasn’t so kind, however, to yours truly as on a picnic yesterday had an accident whilst catching a football. Misjudged its flight and it caught the little finger of my left hand bending it back sharply throwing it out of joint. Fixed that OK but when pain and an askew angle persisted went to a local hospital, had it X-rayed & the trouble diagnosed as two hairline fractures of the second knuckle. Now have it bound up and resting on a splint (Doctor says it may have to be there for over six weeks) and with some swelling round the area where the finger meets the hand – ruptured blood vessels – the thing’s been giving me hell. Perhaps the worst pain is over now, however, so here’s hoping.

Good for Vince with what must have been a most welcome Easter surprise – as you say there’s still quite a bit of heart there. Pleasing to learn his debts are finished and there is something of a clear road ahead. As I said both Glenn & Margaret apologised for Ian’s letter. I did not mind all that much but put it straight to Ian that we couldn’t possibly put all three of them up and they’d have to seek alternative arrangements. Will be most happy to show them over the U.N. and, injury permitting, chauffeur them about a bit but, at this stage, its most difficult even to think of boarders. John Phillips is due over about the same time (9th May) with a delegation from his bank but they’ll be staying at the Stattler Hilton in Manhattan. All in all, May promises to be quite a hectic month.

Plans for the home journey are progressing favourably and we’re hopeful that we’ve got most of the likely problems tabbed. I’m bound up with a heavy load of letter writing so will sign off early and leave the back for Joan to fill in on the week’s doings.

Lots of love,

Dear Mum,

Well, what do you think of your big boy? I have never heard of anyone going so far to get out of a “little” washing up. Seriously though it is most unfortunate. Bill’s hand is very swollen & very sore, these things happen we leave here in six weeks so his hand had better be OK by then or I might have to carry all the bags. As Bill said we have a very busy five weeks coming up. Tomorrow I am off on a trip to a farm with Michael’s class. He is quite excited about it. Thursday Jenny is to make her final visit to the specialist before we leave N.Y. Friday night we have a dinner party at Jill’s & Saturday night a New Zealand couple are giving a dinner for Bill & I before we go home. We are having quite a big party here ourselves on 10th May. John Phillips will be here for it too. Please tell Margaret & Glenn I did not for one minute think Glenn was behind the Brothers’ request. I know Glenn realises how crowded we are. So tell them to think no more about it. However Glenn did insult me by saying he would be pleased to see his “old” aunt again, but squared off by saying Helen is like me. I love him again.

Our tenants at Panania want to stay on an extra month & leave No. 9 on 28th May (the day we leave here). There is another parent-teachers day at school on 22nd April. So looks like I will spend the morning at school with all the different teachers I have to see. All the children are well. Jenny had the fourth smallpox shot last week & it has not taken either, she will have to have a fifth & Helen’s first one did not take. We have finished our presents spree & are quite pleased with our buys. The men are the hardest to buy for but finally thought of something. Hope you had a nice Easter, we did except for Bill’s mishap.

God bless, see you soon.
All my love,

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