Letters From New York

23rd April 1968

Dear Mum,

Heaven only knows what sort of a disjointed serving you’ll get tonight as I’m starting very late in what has been a most disjointed evening. Speaking of joints, however, let me first put your mind to rest with the news that the finger is progressing marvellously and is only a little sore now; seemingly getting back into shape quite well. Quite a deal of bruising emerged about Tuesday and the hand swelled quite a deal too but all that’s gone now and, with care, hope to be out of the splint well before the six weeks. Been fun being an invalid as I’ve been unable to wash up and have been put on light duties about the house. Joan and the kiddies are very well – the former quite tired after a hectic weekend – and the rest blooming though little Helen nursing a croupy cold after having some injections on Wednesday.

Found your letter quite interesting and spiced with humour as always. Joan noted your comments re her illness – be assured it isn’t what you may have been dreading; and we laughed over your allusion to Mrs. Ash being in cahoots with Mary. Sorry the holiday delayed our letter but trust it was all the better to receive after the wait. Don’t fear over us – many of the newspaper reports are a bit off the track – as we’ve been quite spared any inconvenience or worry. Only five weeks now before we set out and we’re already in a flurry getting ourselves organised. Thank goodness we can throw our hands up in the air in dismay and allow the professionals to do the packing.

Sent a belated card off today for Lindsay’s birthday (to Rodd Street, as I’ve lost track – and no mailing address – of where he is currently) and have another in the desk at work for Glenn in a few days. Won’t be sending you a gift for Mothers Day this time but will have something when we get there. OK? Good news about the Aitkens’ new home – won’t be able to speak to them when we arrive. Have learned of some friends of Bartels (by name Rogers!!) selling a big house at Beecroft for $28000 and in no hurry. May try to have a look at it when we get back! Got a feeling No. 9 isn’t going to be too big when all the Dwyers land there. Arrangements seem to be progressing OK at the UN as I’m worrying the soul case out of everyone able to work on my releases and entitlements. Have had some wonderful compliments passed by people internal and external to the business of my competency and manner and have, at times, almost been embarrassed. Seems I have done a good job and am well appreciated in all circles – so there’s some satisfaction in that even if it doesn’t pay the bills.

The round of farewell parties etc. with friends has started with one at Bartels on Friday and another at our N.Z. friends’ house on Saturday evening. More coming up shortly, and then our big one here on 10th May when we expect to have twenty people in. I had quite a hectic weekend what with taking Jenny to the specialist on Saturday (her last visit with him). Whilst not writing off the problem he was rather less pessimistic this time and congratulated us on not succumbing to the temptation to have her operated on her. He says the abnormal size heart still shows in the X-rays though the chart & meter tests are now quite normal. Whilst she shows signs of throwing it off as she grows – and it’s perfectly obvious she’s progressing beautifully – the fourth heartbeat is little more than a slight murmur now and he implies we may be able to defer the op. even later. We’re seeing the Professor in San Francisco on the way home and he’s going to give us the name and address of the best man in the field in Australia – one who’s spent some time at the Mayo Clinic.

The weather’s been glorious and spoilt today by some cloud & drizzle. Had the kids out to another Disney movie “The Jungle Book” on Saturday afternoon and the Circus coming up in two weeks – that should be a real thriller. Left Joan at home with the baby on Sunday and took the other five out for 3 hours to a nearby recreation ground/lake and zoo in glorious Spring weather. Have been trying to sell the car, washing machine, air conditioners and all sorts of electrical appliances and, whilst a number of people have expressed interest, no sales to date. Things will have to start going soon or we’ll be giving them away.

Well, it’s very late, and I must abed. Will leave the back to Joan.

Lots of love & best wishes,

Dear Mum,

At the breakfast table again, seems I have written to you at the breakfast table the past few weeks. I am going to try (again) this week to have Jenny & Helen’s smallpox injections done. Poor Jenny has had four already & Helen has had one with no reaction. Can’t wait too much longer or I’ll have them both off colour when we leave. Bill’s finger seems to be a lot better & not quite so sore, he will be back at the sink in no time. Michael has to be a black bird on Friday at school & somehow I have to make him look like one. He is the blackbird who jumps out of the pie. Bill’s waiting for his cup of tea so must go.

God bless, all our love,

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