Letters From New York

Monday 13th May 1968

Dear Mum,

Hope that Mothers Day (yesterday) was enjoyable and that the gift bearers were kind to you. Trust our card arrived in time and that you weren’t left thinking we’d forgotten you. Joan did fairly well with an American style cookie jar which, I’m sure, will be a riot down there and a vegetable and fruit slicing machine aimed at making her life in the kitchen a little easier. Since we had John Phillips out as our guest for the weekend she insisted on serving up elaborate meals so she wasn’t (if she ever is) able to put her feet up but, nevertheless, it was a most enjoyable day.

Your letter arrived on Friday as usual and interested to learn that Vince found his way down to 57 all right. As Margaret says at 30 years of age he should be responsible for his own welfare – probably prefers it that way too – and must rise or fall on his own decisions and actions. He’s by now not too steeped in his ways and ambitions to be very much influenced by anything we can do. Glad he managed to snare a lottery win – its good to see a “deserving” case getting a share of the wealth; but let’s hope he’s in fact in front and not like yourself, subscribing for years with the returns not keeping pace with the “donations”.

Everyone well here except for the two littlies who have enormous sores on their arms to prove that last week’s smallpox vaccinations have taken; Michael who’s had a slight cold and yours truly who’s picked up a throat infection which is a blasted nuisance. In all, however, nothing to worry about. Anthony went to a birthday party on Saturday & Jennifer had her first invitation (to that of a little boyfriend, aged 2) the same day but gave up after a few attempts to attend – obviously overawed by all the children and new adult faces. Michael is to attend a party at the end of the week and lately seems to have come out of himself more as he’ll now go quite a way from the house to play with friends.

Writing early (in fact, at work) this week and you will probably receive this sooner as a result. Have a night out booked with John tonight to a Broadway musical and decided to write now as we won’t be home until quite late. Joan isn’t going because of no desire to see the show & baby sitter problems. John arrived on Thursday night (when we had him out for a couple of hours after collecting him at the airport) but wasn't able to make our party on Friday night. He came out home, however, on Saturday afternoon and went back to his Hotel yesterday evening. We had quite a pleasant weekend with him and drove him about the “countryside” yesterday afternoon for a couple of hours. He leaves here tomorrow for Washington and his while tour, taking in U.S.A., England, Africa & parts of Asia will last about 11 weeks.

Our party – our farewell & thanks to friends – was a roaring success and went on until about 2.00AM Saturday morning. Joan, as always, did us proud and my “hospitality” punch went over very well – especially with the ladies. A late night Thursday, another Friday and then up until 12.30AM talking to John on Saturday so you can imagine we were both rather wrecked yesterday. There’s little relief in sight either as I have tonight out; the baseball with the boys on Wednesday night and a party given by some friends of ours on Thursday. Actually collected the ship and train tickets today so it’s suddenly become very real with just 2 weeks to our departure date. Already we’re quite busy deciding what to cart with us & what to send over to the ship and we’re thankful we don’t have to worry too much over the furniture. Though not very busy at work, am being kept quite active socially with luncheons booked every day this week and a couple of dinners next week.

Disappointed to learn of Margaret’s misfortune with the new house and hope the problems are overcome quickly and an alternative found. There’s no doubt that one has to be on the alert and well informed in these real estate matters. Seems to me there are more shrewd and snide operators per square foot in these things that in any other calling. We expect our tenants to be out in a couple of weeks and hope Kerry can get some painters in to give the premises the once over before we arrive.

Certainly didn't hear of Bro. Rodan and Ian Lovegrove doesn’t arrive until the afternoon of May 26th so can’t see myself with much of an opportunity to meet him as that’s the weekend before we go and I have to give up the car the same day. Have received an invitation to the Travis wedding next Sunday and looking forward to it as its to be held in truly idyllic surroundings.

Love & best wishes,

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