Letters From New York
Monday May 6th 1968
Dear Mum,
I’m first this time. Bill is out right now at Radio City. Today I took Jenny & Helen to the Dept. of Health to have their smallpox “again”. I gave our doctor away after so many times. This time I have a feeling it will be O.K. I sure hope so. You seem to be having nice weather like us just now, the days are beautiful although a little nippy at times. Jenny lives outdoors now & has a little boyfriend (French) named Thomas. They have a lovely time riding their bikes around. Bill is home so I’ll hand over to him & go & have a bath. God bless, hope you have a nice Mothers Day.
Lots of love,
Again very late but life is hectic at present with no real promise of relief until we go. All sorts of activity coming up until the 28th and it seems I’ll have to take a few days off work in between to catch up on sleep from the late nights. Have John Phillips arriving on Thursday night and our party here on Friday night. Next week a baseball night on the Wednesday and a party on the Thursday after possibly seeing our friends the Kellys off (on home leave) at Kennedy airport. Late home tonight after a backstage tour of the famous Radio City Music Hall in town and a viewing of a new film “The Odd Couple” with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau – which was, incidentally, hilarious. My host was a member of the theatre’s orchestra, the usual arrangement being a movie coupled with an hour long vaudeville show.
A quite busy weekend what with the circus on Saturday morning – and the kids had the time of their lives; cost me a fortune but it was well worth it – and Joan’s attendance, with Cathy, in the afternoon at Toni Travis’ pre-wedding shower tea. The wedding’s on Sunday 19th May in a church located in a beautiful picnic ground setting near where the Kelly’s live and we received a surprise invitation last week – Travis’ way of apologising for not being able to give us a farewell party. Then on Saturday evening, we, Bartels and Kellys were guests of our Argentinian neighbours for a farewell dinner – a great night. Up early on Sunday for a “farewell” picnic with the Kellys in beautiful surroundings and in lovely weather.
Have sold the car – at what everyone says was a good price (for me) – and have the use of it up to the weekend before we leave. A Chinese gentleman at the U.N. bought it and seemed quite impressed. Have also sold our two air conditioners (rather sorry to see them go but they would be of no use on Australian current) and now have only the small fan and the washing machine to get rid of though we’re in no hurry to sell that as it is useful right up to the end.
We’ve had our weather playing tricks on us lately with some quite cool evenings following beautiful days. Shock news of Vince’s return. Is it with the Firm he was with in New Guinea or a new job altogether. No doubt he’ll find his way back to dear old Mother again. There’s no doubt but that Lindsay’s getting around & seeing some of the country and I would never believe army life was so good. Marvellous where our tax money goes to eh! Because of my tooth trouble, didn’t get to the Anzac Day celebrations here in New York but now on the mend despite the great gap in my gums. Will really have to have a good going over when I get home as the mouth is in a terrible state and its probably not doing my system any good. The finger’s very much on the improve though still far from normal again.
Have been getting quite some responses from business contacts as I inform them of my going and find the reactions quite gratifying. Some have insisted I keep in touch and have seriously tried to investigate ways in which we may be able to continue business associations in Australia. Not too busy at work though quite busily engaged at getting us all organised. The first load of effects was taken last Wednesday and we’ve some hopes that they will be shipped from here by 11th (or 16th at the latest) to arrive in Sydney by mid-June. The last lot will be packed up on 27th & taken on 28th May for shipment in mid-June & arrival by mid-July – let us pray!!
Much trouble over here with students holding Columbia University administration to ransom and there is little possibility that classes will recommence there at all this semester (another two weeks). Though there are racial undertones (amongst others) there that factor has been relatively quiet since early April and sanity seems to be prevailing for the time being. Have sent off Mothers Day cards which should arrive on time – a gift will follow when we get home – & trust you have a lovely day.
Love & best wishes from all of us,