Letters From New York

Tuesday 30th April 1968

Dear Mum,

Your usual epistle didn’t arrive until yesterday – making it even more welcome – and here I am reciprocating (so to speak) by commencing this reply later than normal. As you can well imagine, with just four weeks to go, thins are getting to become quite a bit hectic in the Dwyer household and we have the removalists in for the first time tomorrow to cart off the first (small) shipment of effects which, we hope, will beat us to Australia. The house is something of a shambles – and promised to get worse rather than better – but I suppose organisation will come out of it all. Joan’s finished the sewing (at least we think so for the present) and so has a clear month – does the mother of six children ever really have one of those – to worry over what do we cart with us, for whom, how many of each, what goes direct to the ship etc. etc. etc. and many other such simple(?) decisions – designed to make the decider simple.

More wars for the senior partner! Whilst the finger is progressing beautifully (still resting on the splint, but I am able to take it out daily for flexing exercises and bathing in hot water) the old tooth that was giving me bother about Xmas time, and which had quietened down, flared up again over the past couple of weeks. Was finally too much for me at the weekend and so, at midday Sunday, went down to the dentist (yes Sunday; he’s an Orthodox Jew and doesn’t work on Saturdays!) who had me in the surgery for 1 ½ hours whilst he proceeded to pull the thing bit by bit – it broke under the first pressure being hollow as a tunnel and with twisted roots to boot was a dilly. There’s a hole in my upper gum the size of the black hole of Calcutta and my jaw and the area around my right cheekbone (eye, nose & ear) have been hellishly sore. Despite all that its obviously better out than in so I’ve high hopes of being somewhat fit by the time the end of May comes along.

Been hearing and reading of the big Asian punters doings and believe they invested quite heavily in yearlings at the Sydney Easter sales. As you say accidents seem to come in cycles – fancy both the Aitken boys being in medical difficulty at the same time. May be proof that we’re not as young as we feel. Our lot are literally jumping out of their skins though Helen has had a persistent rattle hanging around her chest for well over a week which Joan finally felt required to consult the doctor on yesterday. No great worry – just that she’s not yet educated to cough hard or often enough to move it. A prescription which he gave us will, no doubt, see her right in a few days. ‘Tis to be hoped so as she and Jenny (you’re going to love her) are still due to have their smallpox vaccinations – Jenny her sixth & Helen her second try; none of which has yet taken.

Amazes me how Billy Graham still packs ‘em in – he must have something to sell his public and to have “disciples” come from N.Z. is really unbelievable. There were anti-war and anti-peace (separate) demonstrations here in New York the past weekend, but much quieter than is normally the case. After the early April uprisings, following Martin Luther King’s assassination, the police are alerted & more inclined to attempt to nip trouble in the bud before it blossoms. Showing also, far more tolerance and less haste to apply the waddy than previously – no doubt having themselves learned a lesson from Summer ‘67.

Not very busy at work as things are intentionally being tapered off, but the momentum socially is starting to pick up. Luncheons yesterday & today and dinner later in the week plus the promise of a couple of baseball outings as a finale before I leave (hope to take Phillip & Anthony). Don’t worry too much about the condition of No.57 – any place where you are will be good to see. Will again leave the back to Joan.

Lots of love,

Dear Mum,

Breakfast time again and with Helen on my knee it is very hard to write. She was put into bed at 6.30 last night & got up at 8.00 this morning. I think her chest sounds a little better but will have to keep up with the medicine. Bill & the biggies are off to the circus on Sat. while I am off to a shower tea for Pat & Arthur Travis’ daughter. Bill is waiting for this so must go.

God bless, all my love,

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