Anthony Dwyer's Guitars

1955 Gretsch Electromatic "Jet Airliner" Lap Steel

7 September 2015

Bought in October 2009 from a guy in Perth, Western Australia. It was advertised as a 1962 model but (assuming all Valco-made products had the same numbering system?) the serial number indicates it was made in 1955. The serial number on this one was X48994.

This model appears in the 1955 catalogue (and is called a "Jet Airliner" costing $65 plus $10 for the case) as well as the 1961 catalogue (same price). I thought it was made of wood with black gloss paint but according to the catalogues it is "polished jet black plastic".

page from 1961 catalogue
Page from 1961 catalogue

I sold it to a guy in South Australia in February 2011.

This is another Valco-made lap steel, with a very similar body shape to a Supro Supreme but with different appointments. It also has the famous string-through pickup.

Gretsch steel guitars were manufactured from 1940 to 1963, and apart from the Electromatic Hawaiian model, all Gretsch steel guitars were made by Valco1. For more information about Valco, see my Supro Supreme.

pickup and plug

Everything is original except for the tulip style tuner buttons. The tuners themselves seem to be the original Klusons.


More Info

1 Source: Brad's page of Steel